Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No. 2(34), 2023

Structure and conditions of formation of oil and gas reservoirs in the Triassic deposits of Southern Mangyshlak 

V.I. Popkov, V.V. Larichev, I.V. Popkov


The study structures of hydrocarbon reservoirs and of the hydrogeological features of the Triassic section of the Yuzhno-Mangyshlak oil and gas bearing region showed that, unlike the overlapping deposits of the platform cover, they have a number of characteristic features that allow us to speak about the special hydrogeochemical and hydrodynamic conditions of these complexes, determined primarily by the secondary nature of their filtration-capacitance properties. The water saturation of the rock matrix, the focal nature of the development of secondary reservoirs against the background of extremely low permeability of the surrounding strata make it impossible to develop elysium flows. This causes the high sensitivity of the lower floor to various compression processes, including those caused by the intrusion of deep high-energy fluid flows. Fluid injection is accompanied by decompression of low-permeable strata, the formation of additional cracks, the formation of secondary voids of metasomatic origin. As a result, secondary reservoirs of complex morphology are formed, filled with hydrocarbons. The coincidence in terms of hydrogeochemical and hydrodynamic anomalies, areas of secondary reservoirs with distinct traces of metasomatosis and associated accumulations of oil and gas indicate their genetic relationship.
The structure of oil and gas reservoirs, as well as accompanying hydrogeological anomalies, is considered on the example of well-studied Triassic hydrocarbon deposits of Southern Mangyshlak. 

Key words:

triassic, lithology, hydrochemical and hydrodynamic anomalies, deep fluids, reservoirs 


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V.I. Popkov, Dr.Sc., Professor, Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor of the Chair of Petroleum Geology, Hydrogeology and Geotechnical Engineering, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Kuban State University
149, Stavropolskaya st., Krasnodar, 350000, Russian Federation

V.V. Larichev, PhD, Dr.Sc. Candidate, Chair of Petroleum Geology, Hydrogeology and Geotechnical Engineering, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Kuban State University
149, Stavropolskaya st., Krasnodar, 350000, Russian Federation

I.V. Popkov, PhD, Associate Professor, Chair of Petroleum Geology, Hydrogeology and Geotechnical Engineering, Kuban State University
149, Stavropolskaya st., Krasnodar, 350000, Russian Federation

For citation:

Popkov V.I., Larichev V.V., Popkov I.V. Stroenie i usloviya formirovaniya rezervuarov nefti i gaza v triasovyh otlozheniyah Yuzhnogo Mangyshlaka [Structure and conditions of formation of oil and gas reservoirs in the Triassic deposits of Southern Mangyshlak] Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 2(34), 2023. pp. 47-66. DOI EDN FVLRRI (in Russian)

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