Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No.3(31),2022

Study of the anticorrosion properties of a complex action reagent used as a drilling mud additive

G.L. Gaimaletdinova, D.R. Latypova, O.R. Latypov, R.A. Ismakov, E.R. Minnimukhametova, R.A. Mulyukov


Oilfield equipment corrodes intensively due to contact with highly aggressive process media. The study of the processes of corrosion of the metal surface of oilfield equipment and the development of effective methods of protection are topical scientific and technical problems. One of the common methods of corrosion protection is the use of inhibitors, which reduces the corrosion rate of metals and alloys in contact with aggressive media. The action of a corrosion inhibitor is often associated with a change in the energy state of the metal surface due to its adsorption or the formation of sparingly soluble compounds with metal cations. Also, drilling tools and equipment during well drilling are subjected to intense corrosion, which is associated with the effect of salt ions, atmospheric oxygen dissolved in the drilling fluid, as well as the action of hydrogen sulfide entering the drilling fluid as a result of the influx of sour gas from the rocks being drilled. Reducing the corrosive activity of drilling fluids is one of the effective means of protecting drilling equipment, drilling and rock cutting tools. It has been established that the high anticorrosive activity of surfactants is due to the synergistic effect between the components of the composition. The results of the study showed that the best composition with excellent anti-corrosion properties is the reagent of the «Devon-2L» complex additive with a concentration of 1%.

Key words:

oilfield media, drilling equipment, boring mud, surfactants, corrosion, corrosion inhibitor, polarization curves


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G.L. Gaimaletdinova, Senior lecturer in Oil and gas well drilling, Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
1, Kosmonavtov st., Ufa, 450064, Russian Federation

D.R. Latypova, Senior lecturer in Materials science and corrosion protection, Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
1, Kosmonavtov st., Ufa, 450064, Russian Federation

O.R. Latypov, Dr.Sc, Deputy Head of Materials science and corrosion protection department, Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
1, Kosmonavtov st., Ufa, 450064, Russian Federation

R.A. Ismakov, Dr.Sc, Professor of Oil and gas well drilling, Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
1, Kosmonavtov st., Ufa, 450064, Russian Federation

E.R. Minnimukhametova, Student of Materials science and corrosion protection department, Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
1, Kosmonavtov st., Ufa, 450064, Russian Federation

R.A. Mulyukov, PhD, Associate professor of Oil and gas well drilling, Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
1, Kosmonavtov st., Ufa, 450064, Russian Federation

For citation:

G.L. Gaimaletdinova, D.R. Latypova, O.R. Latypov, R.A. Ismakov, E.R. Minnimukhametova, R.A. Mulyukov Issledovanie antikorrozionnyh svojstv reagenta kompleksnogo dejstvija, primenjaemogo v kachestve prisadki k burovomu rastvoru [Study of the anticorrosion properties of a complex action reagent used as a drilling mud additive]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 3(31), 2022. pp. 163-178. DOI EDN OUZPKI (in Russian)

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