Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No.4(20),2019


G.S. Abdullaev


The paper briefly reviews the results of petroleum exploration activities in Uzbekistan. Data is given on the number of oil and gas fields discovered during the whole exploration period, which were classified by the type of fluid and petroleum regions. The paper presents geologic exploration forecast and expected results for the period of 2017-2021, as well as its actual execution and the results obtained for the period of 2017-2018 and 7 months of 2019. The most promising areas have been identified for oil and gas prospecting. The authors emphasize the essential role of research in exploration survey and the results obtained. They conclude that Uzbekistan’s subsoil assets have great hydrocarbon potential and deem it expedient to continue prospecting for oil and gas.

    Key words:

    field, regions, oil, gas, exploration, hydrocarbons, reserves increment, seismic survey, well


    G.S. Abdullaev, A.N. Bogdanov Problemnye voprosy otechestvennoj geologorazvedki na neft' i gaz [Challenging issues of national oil and gas prospecting]. Tashkent, Uzbekskij zhurnal nefti i gaza, No.4, 2013, pp.10-16 (in Russian)

    G.S. Abdullaev, A.N. Bogdanov, N.K. Eidelnant Mestorozhdeniya nefti i gaza Respubliki Uzbekistan [Uzbekistan’s oil and gas fields]. Tashkent, IGIRNIGM, 2019, 820 p. (in Russian)

    G.S. Abdullaev Sostoyanie i perspektivy narashchivaniya syr'evoj bazy uglevodorodov Respubliki Uzbekistan [Status and prospects of hydrocarbon resource base increment in Uzbekistan]. Tashkent, Uzbekskij zhurnal nefti i gaza, Special issue, 2019, pp.18-25 (in Russian)

    G.S. Abdullaev Pokoriteli nedr [Conquerors of the Subsurface]. Tashkent, Uzbekskij zhurnal nefti i gaza, Special issue, 2017, pp.80-85 (in Russian)

    G.S. Abdullaev Perspektivy razvitiya geologorazvedochnyh rabot na neft' i gaz i narashchivaniya zapasov uglevodorodnogo syr'ya na territorii Respubliki Uzbekistan. [Strategy of petroleum exploration and hydrocarbon reserve increment in the territory of Uzbekistan]. Tashkent, Uzbekskij zhurnal nefti i gaza, Special issue, 2016, pp.35-39 (in Russian)


    G.S. Abdullaev, Dr.Sc. in Geology and Mineralogy, Professor, Member of RANS, АО IGIRNIGM
    114 Shota Rustaveli st., Tashkent, 100059, Uzbekistan

    For citation:

    G.S. Abdullaev Sovremennoe sostojanie realizacii programmy razvitija i vosproizvodstva mineral'no-syr'evoj bazy AO «Uzbekneftegaz» v period 2017-2021 gody [Status of mineral reserves replacement program 2017-2021 of AO Uzbekneftegaz]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 4(20), 2019. pp. 49-60. (in Russian)

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