Neftyanaya Provintsiya
electronic peer-reviewed scholarly publication
Neftyanaya provintsiya No.1(13),2018


Nizaev R.Kh., Yegorova Yu.L.


An available geological and reservoir simulation model for Tournaisian and Devonian sediments of the Deposit No. 101 of NovoElkhovskoye oil field was used to refine the geological structure of producing formations based on the results of tracer studies. Reservoir production history matching have been performed using two different approaches. The first approach relies merely on production performance data for adjustment of reservoir parameters and does not consider the results of tracer studies. This approach is called traditional. Fracture network permeability in X, Y and Z directions have been adjusted at 1000 µm2 . The second approach implies consideration of both production performance data and the results of tracer studies. The second approach to history matching yields a substantially different result in terms of fluid flow characteristics. Particularly, fracture permeability in X direction has been estimated at 1300 µm2 , while fracture permeabilities in Y and Z directions are 100 µm2 and 1000 µm2 14 __________________________________________________________________________________ Сетевое научное издание «Нефтяная провинция». № 1(13) 2018 respectively. Predicted cumulative oil production according to traditional approach stands at 1471 thousand tons compared to 1728 thousand tons obtained using the second approach.

    Key words:

    Tournaisian deposits, tracer studies, fracture network, history matching, fluid flow, geological and reservoir simulation models, tracer transport rate, fluorescein injection


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    Nizaev R.Kh., Dr.Sc., Assistant Professor, Leading Research Associate, TatNIPIneft–PJSC TATNEFT, Bugulma, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation 

    Yegorova Yu.L., Senior Lecturer, Almetyevsk State Petroleum Institute, Almetyevsk, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation 

    For citation:

    R.Kh. Nizaev, Yu.L. Yegorova Primenenie trassernyh metodov issledovanija dlja opredelenija prostranstvennogo orientirovanija treshhin v karbonatnyh kollektorah s ispol'zovaniem geologicheskogo i gidrodinamicheskogo modelirovanija [Tracer studies determine spatial orientation of fractures in carbonate reservoirs using geological and reservoir simulation modelling]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 1(13), 2018. pp. 12-19. (in Russian)

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